Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 4, 2012

Entry3_Trinh Phuong Giang

Entry3_Trinh Phuong Giang

Item1: Visual ads

[1] The perfect European

- Prejudice
- Analysis: each country in Europe has its own “not perfect” side, so people often consider all people in that European country have its features, such as mean as Dutchman, proud/over-confident as Spaniard, unorganized as Greek , etc.
[2] Zombie – Against Blonde Discrimination – FAIL

- Stereotype
- Analysis: blonde girls usually perceived as dumb or “no brain” ones, who are “making little use of intelligence, as a "woman who relied on her looks rather than on intelligence"”. [3] The zombie in the picture seems to be seeking to brains, but when he meets a blonde girl, he ignores her and directs to another way, continues finding brains. That blonde girl might have no brains, so the zombie walked away. It’s a negative image that people often have when talking about or thinking of the blonde.


[4] The following statistics about motorcycle helmet use seem to suggest that helmets cause more injuries and fatalities.  Is it really safer to go without helmets?
A Comparison of
Motorcycle Accident and Fatality Rates
between Mandatory Helmet Law States and
Voluntary Helmet Use States

The data used for this comparison was obtained from the 1994 Motorcycle Statistical Annual, Motorcycle Industry Council, Inc., 1994. The state motorcycle accident statistics were divided between states with a mandatory helmet law and those without.


The only variable used in this comparison is a mandatory helmet law. The results show that accident and fatality rates are higher overall in states with mandatory helmet laws. The total number of accidents and fatalities are also higher in these same states as shown in Table 1.


Mandatory helmet law states account for sixty-one percent (61%) of total motorcycle registrations. They account for sixty-four percent (64%) of the accidents and sixtv-five percent (65%) of the fatalities (Table 2).

- Assumption
- Analysis:  “Correlation doesn't prove causation.  The statistics suggest that helmets cause accidents and fatalities, but it's possible that a high number of motorcycle accidents and fatalities in high-risk states caused them to adopt mandatory helmet laws”.
The research above only jump to conclusion based on statistics (in table 1 and 2) that they did research on a group of people, not all people in the country (the US). Therefore, it seem to be not correct and the conclusion is unreliable.

Item3: Stories/Situations

[5] Afghan Man Strangles Wife for Having Girl
An Afghan militiaman strangled his wife for giving birth to a third daughter instead of a son, according to law enforcement authorities. The 28-year-old victim was killed in her home in the northern province of Kunduz by her husband and his mother just three months after the woman had the baby, reports the Guardian. The victim's mother-in-law has been arrested, but the husband has fled. It's uncertain who will care for the couple's daughters. Two months ago, attackers in the same province poured acid over parents and three children after the parents refused to hand over their young daughter in marriage. The rejected suitor has been arrested.
 As the US eyes a 2014 departure from the nation, human rights activists fear the situation for women will only become worse. "The rights of women cannot be relegated to the margins of international affairs, as this issue is at the core of our national security and the security of people everywhere," said a statement from the US embassy in Kabul.

- Assumption
- Analysis: In the story above, the US author concluded after giving 2 cases in a place of Afghanistan that women’s rights would become worse and could be a national and international problem of people everywhere. It sound lack of evidences and the fact of the story is not clear enough to jump to a conclusion like that, and the title of this news seems not related to the conclusion as well

[4] Motorcycle Statistical Annual, Motorcycle Industry Council, Inc., 1994, as reported on

3 nhận xét:

  1. Item 1:The perfect European --> stereotype because it does not care to individual differences, so it assume that people in a EUROPEAN country always have the same quality like "talkative as a Finn".
    I think You should choose this picture because our teacher did analyse it for our class
    Item 2 is quite interesting

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  2. Thank you for your comment.
    Now I agree with you that "the perfect European" is stereotype
    However, I think I absolutely can choose this picture. I remember that Ms Lam Thuy hasn't said it is a bias before, and what type of bias it is. So why couldn't I choose this picture?

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